7. Digi vs Orange

  •  Samsung Icons :

  • Samsung APNs:

  • NSGuru screenshots:

Digi :  Feature Caps: *;+g.3gpp.srvcc;+g.3gpp.mid-call;+g.3gpp.srvcc-alerting;+g.3gpp.ps2cs-srvcc-orig-pre-alerting
ORO: Feature Caps: *;+g.3gpp.srvcc;+g.3gpp.srvcc-alerting;+g.3gpp.ps2cs-srvcc-orig-pre-alerting;+g.3gpp.icsi-ref="urn%3Aurn-7%3A3gpp-service.ims.icsi.mmtel"

eSRVCC: https://realtimecommunication.info/mind-the-coverage-hole/

Digi RO Orange RO
1 . MCC MNC 226 05 226 10
2 . LTE bands B1 (2100MHz - 5-10 MHz), B38 (TDD, 2600MHz - 20MHz ) B3(1800MHz - 20MHz), B7 (2600MHz - 20MHz), B20 (800MHz - 10MHz)
3 . Carrier Agregation  Testing E/// 2xCA  B38(15MHz)+B38(10MHz) 3xCA, max 375Mbps
4 . Internet APN internet ; abo: 200Mbps/50Mbps, QCI 9 net; abo: 450Mbs/150Mbps
5 . Internet IP IPv4, private IPv4, private
6 . VoLTE APN ims ims
7 . VoLTE IP IPv4 only, WTF IPv4IPv6
8 . VoLTE APN Qos 512/512kbps 128/128kbps
9 . VoLTE APN allowed in 3G YES YES
10 . Operator IP range IPv4, private, 10.15.x.x, 10.16.x.x 2a02:a58:8000::/36
12 . 3G Voice HD NO - only AMR-NB 12.2 YES - AMR-WB 12.65
13 . RCS NO yes, with SMS Fallback, google solution
14 . RCS APN NO net
15 . RCS Servers NA config.rcs.mnc010.mcc226.pub.3gppnetwork.org **data**
rcs-ora-production-sip.ora.jibecloud.net   **data**
ftcontentserver.rcs.mnc010.mcc226.pub.3gppnetwork.org after **data** reboot
16 . Speedtest during VoLTE Call OK OK
17 . Ut interface APN - supl services change NO, falback to 3G, HOS APN(xcap + RCS) in Allview NO, fallback to 2G/3G
18 . VoWiFi YES, nelansat YES
19 . VoWiFi in Roaming YES* NO
20 . VoWiFi in Roaming over VPN YES YES*
21 . Handover from LTE to WiFi YES YES
22 . Handover from WiFi to LTE YES YES
23 . Video Over LTE NO NO
24 . Sigcomp (SIP Message Compression) NO NO
25 . SMS Over IP (IMS) (MO, MT) NO NO, planning

27 . VoLTE Prepaid NO YES
28 . Radio 4G Huawei B1 + B38 ;  ZTE B38; E/// B38 in viitor Huawei
29 . Radio 3G Nokia, Huawei; E/// in viitor Huawei
30 . Radio 2G NA Huawei
31 . IMS Huawei Nokia
32 . EPC Huawei Ericsson
33 . MSC Nokia Ericsson
34 . HSS Nokia ZTE
35 . P-CSCF IPs (SIP Server), . Private!? 2a02:a58:8100::8, 2a02:a58:8100:1000::8
36 . P-CSCF IPs  pingable NO blocked by Samsung in latest SW(?)
37 . IMS geo redundancy sites ?, ? Bucuresti, Cluj
38 . ePDG IPs (VoWiFi VPN Server),, (19.11.2020),
39 . ePDG IPs pingable NO. 04.04.2018 YES
40 . ePDG FQDN epdg.epc.mnc005.mcc226.pub.3gppnetwork.org epdg.epc.mnc010.mcc226.pub.3gppnetwork.org
41 . VoLTE SIP Preconditions Partial color, OK for digi numbers, NOK for BIn&BOut YES
42 . DTMF support YES YES
43 . SRVCC to 3G YES YES
44 . SRVCC to 2G NA NO, hm
45 . a SRVCC (handover to 3G during alerting ph) YES partial color, of of
46 . b SRVCC plm plt
47 . mid call SRVCC YES NO, uh
48 . VoLTE - VoLTE call codec: AMR-WB 23.85kbps, bearer: 44kbps codec: AMR-WB 23.85kbps, bearer: 51kbps
49 . VoLTE - fix call VoLTE AMR-NB 12.2
50 . VoLTE - * call VoLTE AMR-NB 12.2,29kbps, *22622 CSFB to 3G
51 . MMI over IMS or CSFB (SS) fallback to 3G/  ##002# 
52 . USSD over IMS or CSFB fallback to 3G / *111#
53 . VoLTE - 112 call over VoLTE or CSFB fallback to 3G CSFB to 3G ?
54 . VoLTE - 0800 call VoLTE AMR-NB 12.2, 29kbps, 0800801227
55 . VoLTE - *777 VoLTE AMR-NB 12.2, 29kbps
VoLTE to same operator 3G AMR-NB, AMR-NB not supported by Digi in 3G AMR-WB 12.65, when supported by B party
57 . VoLTE - international VoLTE AMR-NB 12.2
58 . VoLTE to Voicemail Digi doesn't provide VM
59 . Digi VoLTE to ORO VoLTE VoLTE AMR-NB 12.2
60 . ORO VoLTE to Digi VoLTE VoLTE AMR-NB 12.2, no precond
61 . Digi VoLTE to ORO VoLTE ported from VDF VoLTE AMR-NB 12.2, Samsung bug displays: HD
62 . Long duration calll OK, 40 min OK, 40 min
63 . Call hold/ unhold OK, when B party puts on hold Samsung display H/R YES
64 . Call Hold anunt OK,  ...2 beeps ...
65 . Conf Call OK, AMR-WB YES
66 . Conf Call URI sip:mmtel@conf-factory.ims.mnc005.mcc226.3gppnetwork.org sip:mmtel@conf-factory.ims.mnc010.mcc226.3gppnetwork.org
67 . Call Waiting OK
68 . Call to incorrect number VoLTE AMR-WB 23.85 / call: 12345 ; 44kbps
69 . VoLTE sub is in 3G, mobile terminating call OK - fast OK
70 . Call Forward Unconditional

71 . Call Forward when Busy plm
72 . Call Forward Not Answering

73 . Call Forward Not Reachable at all

74 . CallForward Not Registered in SIP

75 . SIP Deregistration OK OK
76 . SIP transport UDP, TCP UDP, TCP
77 . Re registration timer 1800 sec, SIP REG  every 1200 sec 3600 sec, SIP REG every 3000 sec
78 . Refresh method : Invite/ Update SIP Update/ 15 mins SIP Invite
79 . Codec adaptation NO NO
80 . IMS for FIX Line Subscribers NO YES
81 . Handover from 3G to 4G in connected mode NO YES
82 . VoLTE IPSEC depends on the UE: Samsung no ipsec: PRAF, Allview Ipsec+ciphering YES, no ciphering on Samsung

Digi 4G B38 vs ORO 4G B7 indoor maping with NSGuru :

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