20. How to check if VoLTE&VoWiFi are activated in your Samsung firmware

1. Download the Samsung software .zip file with SamFirm, see screenshot below.
2. Using 7-Zip, extract the HOME_CSC*.tar.md5 file
3. Using 7-Zip, extract the cache.img.lz4 file or odm.img.ext4.lz4(if present, continue only with this file, forget about cache.img.*) . Samsung S10 : product.img.lz4 . Samsung S21 5G : optics.img.lz4  If the file doesn't have a lz4 extension, skip the step 4.
4. From Windows Command Line: lz4 -d cache.img.lz4 cache.img  ( see https://forum.xda-developers.com/galaxy-s9-plus/help/how-to-unpack-recompile-img-ext4-lz4-t3776423 )
5. From Windows Command Line: simg2img -i cache.img -o cache1.img
6. Using 7-Zip, open cache1.img, go to \recovery\sec_csc.zip\system\csc\ROM\system\csc\ , open customer.xml , scroll down until you reach IMSSetting, check VoLTE & VoWiFi for your network.  See below.
For odm file, the path is something like: odm1.img\omc\ROM\conf\

SamFirm, lz4 .exe, simg2img.exe uploaded on dropbox.

( for system.img https://forum.xda-developers.com/galaxy-note-8/how-to/guide-how-to-extract-img-to-dump-t3673863 )

Samung S8, CSC ROM LATEST Firmwares:
Samsung OTA : http://fota-dn.ospserver.net/firmware/ROM/SM-G950F/version.xml
Samsung test versions: http://fota-dn.ospserver.net/firmware/ROM/SM-G950F/version.test.xml 






make a bat file; all files are already under E:/001/

@echo off
title This is your first batch script!
echo Welcome to batch scripting!
cd 001
lz4.exe -d cache.img.lz4 cache.img 
s -i cache.img -o cache1.img
lz4.exe -d odm.img.lz4 odm.img 
s -i odm.img -o odm1.img

for system.img https://forum.xda-developers.com/galaxy-note-8/how-to/guide-how-to-extract-img-to-dump-t3673863

 Step 1
  • Download This
  • Extract It To Your Desktop
  • Place your "system.img" in the "SVAImgUnpack" Folder
  • Open windows search and type "cmd" then drag cmd.exe into the "SVAImgUnpack" Folder.

Step 2
  • Run cmd.exe from the SVAImgUnpack Folder
  • Type "SVAImgUnpack C:\Users\YourUsername\Desktop\SVAImgUnpack\system. img"
    When it has finished you will see you have "system.ext4.img" now in the folder too.
Step 3           - (works with 7 Zip too)
  • Run "ext2explore.exe" as Administrator
  • File > Open Image
  • Select your new "system.ext4.img" and Open
    You can now right click the file and press 'Save' and it will extract all of the system.img
    You can double click the file and browse the system.img and right click/save single folders/files

The old method with "Ext4Unpacker" does not work anymore.
The new method uses "SVAImgUnpack"
I just used this method on the N950N Korean system.img and it works fine.
This is a very useful tool for ROM Developers or anyone just wishing to snag a couple files from a foreign firmware.

Samsung S10 5G





Path for CSC files: product2.img\omc\DTM\conf\
cscfeature.xml, cyphered
cscfeature_network.xml, cyphered

java -jar omc-decoder.jar -i cscfeature.xml -o cscfeature_decoded.xml
java -jar omc-decoder.jar -i cscfeature_network.xml -o cscfeature_network_decoded.xml

E:\001\jar>java -jar omc-decoder.jar -i cscfeature_network.xml -o cscfeature_network_decoded.xml
output E:\001\jar\cscfeature_network_decoded.xml success

 TMD: TMobile DE: DT


 <CscFeature_Setting_DisableNetworkMode>5g</CscFeature_Setting_DisableNetworkMode> /// disable 5G only from menu?

        <ProfileName>Telekom IMS</ProfileName>

        <ProfileName>Telekom Internet</ProfileName>


xiaomi mi mix3 5g twrp

Update 22.08.2021 : for Samsung FW DL use Frija



 Samsung S21 5G Info from CSC ROM


E:\001>lz4 -d optics.img.lz4 optics.img
optics.img.lz4       : decoded 5873800 bytes

E:\001>simg2img -i optics.img -o optics1.img
packed img filename: optics.img
output img filename: optics1.img
Wrote "optics1.img"

Extract optics1.img with 7z 

Path: E:\001\optics1\configs\carriers\single\ROM\conf

 Volume in drive E has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is B06C-964D

 Directory of E:\001\optics1\configs\carriers\single\ROM\conf

12/31/2008  06:00 PM    <DIR>          .
12/31/2008  06:00 PM    <DIR>          ..
12/31/2008  06:00 PM               515 cscfeature.xml
12/31/2008  06:00 PM               564 cscfeature_network.xml
12/31/2008  06:00 PM            10,301 customer.xml

12/31/2008  06:00 PM             1,158 omc.info
               4 File(s)         12,538 bytes                2 Dir(s)  86,145,101,824 bytes freex

Put the files in jar folder

E:\001\jar>java -jar omc-decoder.jar -i cscfeature_network.xml -o cscfeature_network_decoded.xml
output E:\001\jar\cscfeature_network_decoded.xml success

E:\001\jar>java -jar omc-decoder.jar -i cscfeature.xml -o cscfeature_decoded.xml
output E:\001\jar\cscfeature_decoded.xml success 

*** IMS profiles info (IMSSetting) is not in customer.xml anymore *** 

Use IMS Settings : https://volteromania.blogspot.com/p/samsung-s21-ims-settings.html 



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